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Counseling Corner

Homework Support

Homework Support

Homework Support - A drop in support class where GRMS students may bring something to work on independently or meet with a DVHS student tutor. Light snacks are provided. 
Homework Support will not meet on 10/4 & 12/20. 
Please check the website regularly for updates and changes to the schedule.
Please email Jennifer Zotter ( if you have any questions.

Jodina Ehle, Counselor (last names A-L)
Katie Watkin, Counselor (last names M-Z)
Jennifer Zotter, Counselor (Tuesday, Wednesday)

Bharathi Harapanahalli, CounselorTech 925 479-1516


Your counselor is here to provide you with support to help make your experience at GRMS a positive one.  If you are ever struggling academically, socially, or emotionally, please do not hesitate to come down to the counseling office.  Everything talked about in the counseling office is confidential, which means it stays between you and the counselor.  The only time a counselor must break confidentiality is if you or another person are in danger of being harmed.


Sometimes our feelings build up inside of us, like pressure building up in a balloon.  If we continue to let our feelings build up, what will happen?... Our “emotional balloon” will “pop.”  It is important for us to have a safe place to talk about our feelings, so that we can let the pressure out of the balloon a little bit at a time.  Talking to a counselor can help you to not feel so overwhelmed.  Even though a counselor may not be able to “fix” your problems, he/she can give you extra support and tools to help you.

Jodina Ehle, Katie Watkin & Jennifer Zotter
Positive Message
Encouraging Message