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District Cyber-Bullying Policy

Definition of Cyber Bullying
Cyber Bullying is the use of electronic information and communication devices to willfully and repeatedly harm either a person or persons through the medium of electronic text, photos, or videos.  Examples of this behavior include but are not limited to:
·      sending false,  cruel, vicious messages
·      Creating websites that have stories, cartoons, pictures, and jokes ridiculing others.
·      Breaking into an email account and sending vicious or embarrassing materials to others.
·      Engaging someone in electronic communication, tricking that person into revealing sensitive personal information and forwarding that information to others.
·      Posting of a student picture without their permission.
Bullying of this nature creates a hostile, disruptive environment on the school campus and is a violation of a student’s right to be safe and secure. Cyber Bullying and Harassment will not be tolerated. Actions deliberately threatening, harassing, intimidating an individual or group of individuals, placing an individual in reasonable fear of harm or damaging the individual’s property; or disrupting the orderly operation of the school, will not be tolerated.
The online activities and technologies often used by students engaged in Cyber Bullying include but are not limited to social networking sites, chat rooms and discussion groups, instant messaging, text messaging, computers, cell phones and personal digital devices, digital cameras, cell phone cameras, and web cams.  As new technologies emerge, they too may be included with the above forms of electronic communication.
Consequences for Harassment and/or Cyber Bullying
Education Codes 48900.4 and 48900 (r), strictly prohibit harassment or bullying of any kind and such behavior is subject to the following consequences:
·      Minimum: 1 day suspension
·      Maximum penalty: Expulsion
*** Education Codes 48900.4”Harassment, threats, or intimidation creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment”
*** Education Code 48900 (r) “Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to bullying committed by means of an electronic act, as defined in subdivisions (f) and (k) of Section 32261, directed specifically toward a pupil or school personnel”
If the conduct occurs off school grounds and causes or threatens to cause a substantial disruption at school or interferes with the rights of students to be secure, school administration may impose consequences. The Administration may also report the Cyber Bullying or Harassment to the police.
Action Steps to Respond to Cyber Bullying or Harassment
·      Save the evidence.  Print the online harassing.
·      Identify the Cyber Bully.
·      Clearly tell the Cyber Bully to stop.
·      Ignore the bully by leaving the online environment and/or blocking communications.
·      File a complaint with the Internet or cell phone company.
·      Contact the Cyber Bully’s parents.
·      Contact the school administration.
·      Contact the police.