Medication at School
If your child is under the care of a physician and must take medication during the school day for a specific medical diagnosis or condition, please read the following information. This information pertains to both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medication. These requirements are provided by law: California Educational Code §49423 & §49423.1
The district’s school nurses serve several schools and are not available on a daily basis to administer medication. As a result, non-medical staff on campus will most often perform this function.
If your child must take medication at school, please note:
- A Medication at School form must be completed each year and kept on file in the school office. Annual updates are required by law. (See below for Form A and Form B).
- Students may not possess any medication (prescription and/or OTC) at school, walking to and from school, or on a school bus (exceptions are inhaled asthma medication and epinephrine auto-injectors if authorized by the physician and parent on the medication form).
- Medication must be brought to school by a parent or adult representative in the original pharmacy container or OTC packaging.
- Over-the-counter (OTC) medications must also have a Medication at School form on file.
- All medications shall be kept in the office, classroom if deemed necessary, or carried by the student only if it is an emergency medication such as an asthma inhaler or epinephrine auto-injectors and both parent and medical authorization is on file.
- Every new school year and/or with any dosage or prescription change, a new Medication at School form must be completed.
- At the end of the school year or when a medication expires, a parent or adult representative must pick up unused medication.
- All medication will be discarded if not picked up at the appropriate time.
- A student may be subject to disciplinary action for the misuse of any medication.
Check-off list for bringing medication to school
□ Medication at School Form completed and signed by medical provider.
□ Medication at School Form completed and signed by parent.
□ Medication is supplied in the original box/container with prescription label or name clearly written on OTC packaging.
□ Medication is not expired. Please make a note, for your records, when the medication will expire so it can be replaced in a timely matter.
□ We have limited storage. Please do not send in “Costco” sized bottles of medication (i.e. liquid Benadryl).
For further information or assistance, contact the school nurse assigned to your school site.
Life Threatening Allergies - Medication at School Form (FORM A: Allergies)
USE this form for mild to severe food allergies or other allergies, such as bee stings or other environmental allergens. This form allows for three (3) medications to be prescribed on a single form (i.e. epinephrine auto injectors, antihistamine such as Benadryl, and oral inhaler). New forms must be submitted at the beginning of each school year or whenever there is a change in information provided. You do not need to submit the generic Medication at School form as well.
Medication at School Form (FORM B: Basic)
USE this form for all medication at school. This includes both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications. New forms must be submitted at the beginning of each school year or whenever there is a change in information provided.
If your student has FOOD ALLERGIES or DIET RESTRICTIONS and will be purchasing meals from the school cafeteria, please have your medical provider complete this form. The information provided on this form will allow the child nutrition staff to double check your students tray upon check-out to ensure no allergens or restricted foods have been chosen.