2024-25 Tardy-Cell Phone-Device Policy
GRMS Tardy Policy
GRMS Tardy Policy
GRMS Tardy Policy
- 5 tardies: Students will receive a warning notice
- 10 tardies: Students will be assigned a lunch detention with parent notification
- 15 tardies: Students will be assigned a before or after school detention with parent notification
- 15+ tardies: Students will be assigned additional detentions and be required to attend a Student Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting with a parent and an administrator
This tardy policy will go into effect Monday, Aug 26th. Tardies are cumulative throughout each quarter and then reset at the start of a new quarter. Parents and students can monitor student attendance through Infinite Campus.
Checking attendance in Infinite Campus (Parents):
- Go to the District website (www.srvusd.net). Find the Infinite Campus Portal tile on the homepage. Click on the “Campus Parent” link to log in.
- Click the three line icon at the top-left corner and select the attendance tab.
- If you have multiple students in the District, use the pull-down in the upper-right corner to select the student's attendance you want to view.
GRMS Cell Phone/Device Policy
GRMS Cell Phone/Device Policy
GRMS Cell Phone/Device Policy
Possession of cell phones, or other electronic devices, such as Airpods, smart watches, or portable speakers, by a student at school is a privilege. Any student who fails to abide by district or school rules may lose that privilege. Cell phones or other electronic devices are permitted on campus, as long as the following expectations are met:
- Cell phones/devices should be put away and silenced or turned off by 8:15am.
- Cell phones/devices should remain put away throughout the school day. Students may access their cell phone/device if given permission from a teacher or staff member.
- Students may use the phone in the front office to contact a parent/guardian during the school day if needed.
- Cell phones/devices may not be used for any reason in the locker rooms, restrooms or hallways.
- Cell phones should not be used for recording or photographing students and staff members, especially without permission or consent.
- Devices may be turned back on at 2:45pm.
If a student violates the cell phone/electronics expectations, the device may be confiscated.
- If a device is confiscated during class time, the teacher or staff member may choose to keep the device for the class period and will return it to the student at the end of the period.
- Regardless of when a device is confiscated, the teacher or staff member may choose to have the device held in the main office until the end of the day.
1st time office confiscation: The student will receive a warning with a copy of the GRMS cell phone policy to take home and review with a parent or guardian. The student may pick up the device from the main office after school.
2nd time office confiscation: The front office will notify the parent/guardian and a litter pick up will be assigned. The student may pick up the device from the main office after school.
3rd time office confiscation: Admin. will notify the parent/guardian and a lunch detention will be assigned. The student may pick up the device from the main office at the end of the school day.
4+ times office confiscation: Admin. will call the parent/guardian and an after school detention will be assigned. The device will be held in the main office until a parent or guardian can pick it up after school.
For students who continue to have their device confiscated additional consequences may be assigned including after school detentions and Saturday School.